Grow Wheatgrass

Growing wheatgrass is another adventure: simple enough and results are incredible.

Hard red wheat berries are inexpensive. We purchased some from a local store (Nutrition Smart) for $1.19 per lb.  I’ll try to simplify the procedures.

Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice:

Here are my notes:

  • 1/4 cup hard red wheat berries
  • Soak wheat berries over night
  • Sprout wheat berries one day
  • Place potting soil in 2 inch trays and spread the berries on top of the soil.
  • Water the tray and cover for 2 days.
  • Uncover the tray on day 3 and move the trays to indirect light.
  • Water every morning for 2 days (need to check the moisture of the soil like any other plant).
  • Cut the wheatgrass when it reaches approximately 7″ in height, grind into juice, filter with a coffee filter, and then freeze for future use.