Making a Working Bench for the Garage

I needed a new work bench for the garage. The bench was made with ¾“plywood and 2”x4”x6’ boards.  The 2”x4” boards were glued together and then cut to around 30” in length for the legs.  A dado blade was use to cut a ¾” slots into the legs to allow the plywood to slide into.  This type of construction provides sufficient support to the shelves to allow the shelves to hold the heaviest of tools.  The top of the bench was made from 4 each 2”x4”x6’ pieces of lumber glued together then screwed to ensure strength.  Because the lumber was not perfectly flat, a piece of ½” plywood was added to the bottom.  6 pocket holes were drilled into the 2”x4” pieces at the top of the base to allow the actual bench top to be secured to the base.  Note a slot was provided at the top of the base that would end up between the actual bench top and the base. This area provides sufficient space for the long wood clamps to be stored.  The total cost of construction was slightly more than $100.00 as most of the cost was in the purchase of the plywood. 

Obviously, I was in need of a shelf above the bench so after staining and securing the material all matched and ended up very functional.

Year-round Vegetable Garden

It seems to be a fact that a home gardener in Florida seems to be able to grow vegetable all year long. Now I seem to have accomplished the same thing as long time residents in that I planted 2 little eggplants plants last June which continue to produce. There are close to 2 dozen eggplants (mad apples) on the branches now after 8 months.  Around the first of this year, we had already harvested close to that same number and possible more! We must have given away or cooked or earlier harvest. Let us say that it seems like the eggplant plant loves a cold snap every now and then which, seems to cause the flower to produce what else but a MAD-APPLE.

Now our Broccoli was planted after the first of the year because they seem to like cool weather (the leaves burn up when it is too hot).  They have been very happy as long as the temperature does not drop to below 20 degree F, which in Florida no one can remember the last time that happened. When we harvest the broccoli head, we leave a little broccoli heard and then we are able to harvest more from the same plant at some future date.